Auth Page

In this section of the documentation, we will show you how to customize the SaaSBold boilerplate's authentication pages (login, signup).

The authentication pages are crucial for user registration and access control, providing various login options to enhance the user experience.



The default authentication pages include options for social logins, email/password logins, and magic link logins. Additionally, you can configure demo user/admin login options.

  • Sign-in Page: This page provides users with various login methods, including social and traditional email/password logins.

  • Sign Up Page: Allows new users to create an account using different registration methods.

  • Demo User/Admin Login: Steps to enable or disable demo user/admin login options.

  • Social Login Options: Steps to add or remove login options such as Google, GitHub, and Facebook.

Steps to Customize

Sign In Page

Locate the Sign-In Page Components: Open the Signin component file located in components/Auth/Signin/index.tsx.

Update the Sign-In Page: Modify the login options and labels to match your preferred authentication methods.

Enable/Disable Demo User/Admin Login: Add or remove demo user/admin login options as needed. To disable the login option, comment out the component.

{/* <DemoSignin /> */}

Add/Remove Social Login Options: Integrate or remove social login providers like Google, GitHub, and Facebook. Comment out the component to disable the option.

<GoogleSigninButton text='Sign in' />

{/* <GithubSigninButton text='Sign in' /> */}

Magic Link: Enable or Disable the Magic Link sign-up option. Comment out the content to disable the option.

<SigninWithMagicLink />

Sign Up Page

Locate the Sing Up Page Components: Open the Signup component file located in components/Auth/Signup/.

Update the Sign Up Page: Customize the registration fields and methods to suit your application requirements.

Add/Remove Social Sing-Up Options: Integrate or remove social login providers like Google, GitHub, and Facebook.

Magic Link: Enable or Disable the Magic Link sign-up option.

Review and Save: After customizing the authentication pages, ensure all login methods are functional, and the user experience is smooth. Save the files and verify the changes.


  • User-Friendly Design: Ensure the authentication pages are intuitive and easy to navigate.

  • Security: Implement necessary security measures to protect user data.

  • Clear Instructions: Provide instructions and error messages to guide users through the login and signup processes.

By following these steps and tips, you can create effective authentication pages that enhance the user experience and ensure secure access to your application.

Last updated